Purchase Debt

Request More Info on Our Free No Obligation Debt Review.

    We will purchase your debt.

    We have often been asked, by our clients, if we purchase debt. CRS does not purchase debt BUT we have an associated business that does – MIDAS Receivables Limited (www.midasreceiveables.com). If this is an option you would wish to investigate or pursue, then follow the link above or click the button below.

    CRS will, however, immediately suspend any dialogue regarding the recovery of the ledger until there is clarity, as it would be engaged by MIDAS to undertake due diligence, ahead of any purchase and, ultimately, collection of the ledger. CRS and MIDAS uphold the highest standards of integrity and will not entertain any conflict of interests.

    FREE Initial Review

    CRS provides a FREE initial review of the ledger, detailing the total amount of book debts, work in progress and retentions outstanding from each debtor and a predicted recovery based upon the information provided and the status of the company.

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