Legal claims recovery

Do you have good claims but no funds? Are you looking to recover debt that has been written off?

In addition to providing traditional debt recovery services, CRS has developed a reputation for being a leading recovery specialist of legal claims. We are currently handling claims in excess of £60m on behalf of clients. We can help recover debt that has been written off whether it be commercial or construction debt.

  • How often do you write off a debt due to lack of funds to fight the action?
  • How often does a debtor raise spurious counter claims simply because he knows that the supplier is insolvent and can’t afford to pursue the claim through the courts?
  • Have you ever thought that a “no win, no fee” solution would provide the ideal opportunity to help maximise recoveries for creditors?

Largest individual claim


Legal claims being pursued


How can CRS help?

You can now recover debt that has been written off with the help of CRS.

CRS, in conjunction with our legal partners will provide an upfront assessment of the claim and if it is deemed to be pursuable, will act on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis, fund the litigation and disbursements and insure the officeholder against adverse cost.

Yes it is that simple!

Full or partial outsourced credit control

We have recovered significant debts for Insolvency Practitioners that had all but been written off.

We only pursue claims that we consider to be bone fide good debts but where the debtor is being difficult and refuses to pay on the basis of counterclaims. Our claims experts and legal partners will construct a detailed and supported claim which once approved by our insurers is presented to the debtor. On many occasions the debtor settles the debt out of court when faced with a supported claim and when facing a significant costs order if the claim went to court.

So what should you do if you have a claim that you feel is genuinely due but you lack the funds to pursue?

Contact our team and we will discuss the options available to you when looking to recover debt that has been written off, and the information needed to pursue the claim……….at NO COST to you!

Our Legal Claims service applies to both construction and commercial debts.

FREE Initial Review

CRS provides a FREE initial review of the ledger, detailing the total amount of book debts, work in progress and retentions outstanding from each debtor and a predicted recovery based upon the information provided and the status of the company.

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