The easiest way to imagine the impact of our having an approved vaccine, on business, is to consider that, now, Company Directors will be meeting in the New Year to make plans for 2021 (most probably from April onwards) ……. whereas, a few months ago, such would not have been imaginable.
Sure – a lot of plans will involve dealing with the legacy affect of the virus and whatever subsidies have been available, but leaner, fitter businesses will be able to take charge and “bounce back” – a term not used since the early Summer!
It is the shot in the arm required for medium, and longer-term business confidence and should help prevent a prolonged recession.
Nothing is certain, but the prospect of having three effective vaccines available, in the New Year, will give owners the confidence to plan ahead, keep more people employed, and the economy growing without the “Stop:Start ” of further lockdowns and severe social restrictions.
CRS has found the year naturally frustrating but with the likely return to more normal working in 2021, there will be less opportunities for payers to use “home-working” as an excuse to avoid facing up to the legitimate payment of their obligations. Once again information will flow two ways and sound and sensible settlements can be negotiated on behalf of our clients.
We are here to negotiate on your behalf whenever you might need us. Our advisory service is free of charge, at which point we’ll assess your claim and propose a route forward. To take advantage of our free advisory service please get in touch today.
M: 07395794938